1. Homefront. Jason Statham does it again. This time he’s a former DEA agent and encounters a local meth drug lord. It has the things there are to love about Jason Statham movies–lots of kick boxing, the bad guys get thoroughly pummeled and really great car chases. We enjoyed this one a lot. Just Super Rockstar and I watched this one–it’s rated R.
2. Knowing. This is an interesting movie. Nicolas Cage plays a single dad science professor–John Koestler. A time capsule that has been sealed for 50 years at his son’s school is opened and each child receives a drawing contained in the capsule. His son’s is a page of random numbers. John discovers that it is a code that contains dates, number of deaths and exact location of every major disaster that has occurred in the last 50 years and there are three dates still to happen. It’s a good story and we enjoyed it a lot. As with most movies that have a super natural type element to them–the ending is a little random, but overall really good. This was another one we watched without the boys–I’m a little iffy on if they would have liked it. It’s rated PG-13, but there are some “ghost like” characters with some loud whispering that is kind of creepy. (you can read the parent info here).
3. Peter Rabbit 2. This one is out in theaters now and we all absolutely LOVED it. If you haven’t seen the first one, we highly recommend that one too. This is more of the same characters and humor from the first one. We laughed out loud several times and came away feeling that we’d like to see it again. So much of the joy was seeing it in a movie theater and hearing all the kids laugh at the silly humor. I loved it. It’s rated PG (you can read the parent info here).
4. Loki. Also as a family we watched the first episode of the new Loki series on Disney Plus. The story begins with a scene in the Avengers movie where Thor has Loki in custody to take home to Asgard so he can answer for his crimes. In a scuffle, Loki gets his hands on the tessract and disappears. The series is all about where he went. I won’t tell you any spoilers–only that it’s a very creative addition to the story. There will be a new show each week for a total of 6 episodes. We really enjoyed the first one and are looking forward to seeing the rest.
I would love to hear your opinions and any suggestions you may have of what to watch.